Sanchi Stupa

Sanchi Stupa is a historically significant Buddhist monument located in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh. The main highlight of this dusty town is enormous hemispherical structure called Stupa which houses relics of Buddha. It was built in 3rd century BCE under the reign of Emperor Ashoka of Maurya dynasty. His main motive was to promote and preserve the teachings of Lord Buddha. A lot of travelers make their way here to see this remarkable primitive example of temple architecture. In 1989, it was included in the list of UNESCO World heritage sites.

The interesting spot is a paradise for those inclined to Buddhist history and architecture. You can connect the incidents of Emperor Ashoka that you read in the history books with the elegantly standing structures. The height of this grand Stupa measures 54 feet. Later four gateways called Torans were added that exhibit Buddha's life incidence through fine carvings. One of the Pillars of Ashoka was also erected on the main Toran gateway. But, only bottom part remains as the upper part of the pillar is placed at the Sanchi Archaeological Museum for preservation.

The original stupa built by Ashoka had a huge hemispherical brick dome protecting the relics of Lord Buddha. Its base was surrounded by an elevated terrace, a balustrade and a chatra or stone umbrella. On the contrary, the present structure was constructed by Shunga. They replaced the brick dome with stone and doubled the diameter of the dome. Shunga Empire rose to prominence after killing the last ruler of the Maurya Empire, Brihadratha Maurya.

Sanchi Stupa complex stores more interesting monuments that evoke curiosity in history. One such example is Temple 40, one of the earliest example of free-standing (mountain-like spire taking the form of curving shikhara or pyramidal vimana) temples in India. Traces of three different periods are found here with the earliest one belonging to Maurya age. Another example is Stupa No 2, believed to have been erected by Shungas. It was built after the main Stupa but is a testament to the earliest architectural ornaments. It is called 'the oldest extensive stupa decoration in existence' for the elaborate decorations on it. This stupa is also considered as the birthplace of Jataka illustrations. This list also contains Stupa No 3 which also belongs to Shunga period. It is known for having the Relics of Sariputra and Mahamoggallana.

Sanchi Archaeological Museum located near the archaeological site of Sanchi is worth paying a visit. It is an impressive gallery showcasing intriguing relics like remains of one of the pillars of Ashoka, Avalokitesvara head made of sandstone, Sanchi Pillar 35 Vajrapani statue and Naga in human form 400-500 CE. A total of four galleries constitute an amazing collection of Buddha heritage.

The historical site is an excellent place to rediscover various life incidences of Lord Buddha and witness the magnificent architecture.

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